Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

PET LETTER WRITING: Important Events In Your Life

This is a part of a letter you receive from your English Friend:

My family moved from a small flat in the countryside الريف to a big house in the capital city العاصمة in 2010. It was really interesting to see the capital city with all its attractions for the first time. I hope you can visit me one day. Write soon and tell me about the important events in your life.

Now write a letter of 100 words answering your penfriend's request.

Monday, October 9, 2017

PET: Story Writing

Write a summary to the story about Charlie, "The Lucky Number" in no less than 100 words. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Write a story

Write the COMPLETE two parts (1&3 OR 2&4) of the story about the little boy and the snake.

Image result for the little boy and the snake fable

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Talk about your family

Complete the following sentences about your family:

  1. My father is ................. years old and my mother is .................. younger.
  2. I have ............ brothers and ............. sisters.
  3. Most of my family live in ................... .
  4. My uncle and aunt have .............. children.
  5. I live with my ................, ................., ..............., and .................. .
  6. I see my ................. quite often.
  7. The member of my family that I'm closest to is my ..................... .

Monday, March 20, 2017

Colours of Safety Signs

Please follow this link:

  • Watch the video
  • Answer the quiz 
  • And leave your answers here in a comment

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Jobs and Studies

Complete the table:








Law and military

Shop assistant


Office manager


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Quiz 3 - Section 12

Quiz 3 - Section 7

Places Spelling:

  1. Write four words start with the letter "b".
  2. Write three words start with the letter "c".
  3. Write three words start with the letter "m".
  4. Write four words start with the letter "p".
  5. Write three words start with the letter "s".
  6. Write four words start with the letter "f".
  7. Write two words start with the letter "r".
  8. Write two words start with the letter "i".

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Things in the past

Write complete answers with (names, keywords) for the questions below:

1. What did you buy last month?
2. Which town or city did you live in ten years ago?
3. What place in your country did you go to last year?
4. Who were you friends with at primary school?
5. What present did you give to someone last year?
6. What did you do last month that you enjoyed?
7. Who did you talk to on the phone last week?
8. What did you like doing when you were a child?
9. Where did you go on holiday when you were  child?
10. Who did you go on holiday with last year?

Image result for things in the past

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Write five sentences about you and your family using:

(go to - go out with - go for - go)

Image result for verb go 
subject  object and possessive pronouns         

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪subject  object and possessive pronouns‬‏

Monday, February 20, 2017

Simple Present - Negative

Write five sentences about yourself and people you know in negative simple present. Use (don't - doesn't)

Image result for dont doesnt

Sunday, February 19, 2017

I'm Abdullelah AL-Hazmi Male 23 old I'm a student. I study English. I'm from Jazan in Saudi Arabia. I speaks Arabic and English languages. I'm interested in football, movies and Horror stories. I'd like to go to Dubai and Italy. I want to get a nice job. My home town is sabia . It's a really interesting city and available by everything. I live in a good house with my family. I am not married yet , but I hope that closer

What is happiness to you?

What is happiness to you?
Watch the video, then write your answer :-)

Image result for happiness

my name is Faisal al-Kaabi
I'm 22 years old
I speak Arabic and English
I live in Ahad al Masarihah Jazan
I teach at the College Int serve
My favorite hobby filming
I aspire in the establishment media production company
Sultan Bakri. Male 21 old I'm a student. I stady English. I'm from Jazan , in Saudi Arabia. I spesk Arabic and English languages. I'm interested in football, movies and Horror stories. I'd like to go to Dubai and Italy. I want to get a nice job. My home town is Abu Arish. It's a really interesting city and available by everything. I live in a good house with my family. I am not married yet , but I hope that closer

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

My name is Bader  Al-Qadhi 
I am 25 years old
I'm student English
I'm from Jizan in Saudi Arabia
I speak arabic and english
I ’m interested in play football and mobile game and watch anime
I’d like to go to Japan, Lebanon and Turkey
I like learning industry
I want a good jop
I am not married
I'm Ahmed Hanash

I'm a student at Interserve.

I'm from Jizan in Saudi Arabia.

I speak  Arabic and English.

I'm interested in music football and movies.

I'd like to go to Brasil and Spain.
I want to  get a good job.
My home town is Jazan. It's a really interesting city with lots of great cafés and restaurants.
I live in a big house with my family.
I am not married.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Ali sanaani
I'm a English student
I'm from Jizan in Saudi Arabia
I speak  Arabic and English
I'm interested in music football and movies
I'd like to go to Germany and Spain
I want to  get a good job
My home town is Abu arah. It's a really interesting city with lots of great cafés and restaurants.
I live in a big house with my family
I am not married

Monday, February 13, 2017


Ahmed T
Male, 40
I'm a teacher in Saudi Arabia.
I come from Egypt.
I speak Arabic, English, French and a bit of Spanish.
I'm interested in football, movies and cultures.
I want to meet new friends and visit new places.
My hometown is Cairo. It's a very big and busy city. It has a lot of attractions and many great cafes and restaurants.
I live in an apartment in Jizan in Saudi Arabia.
My family is in Cairo. I am married and I have three children.